Theatre I: Entry level theatre course (no prerequisite). During this course, students will gain knowledge of the basics of theatre that include but are not limited to: Theatre Conventions, Theatre History, Acting Basics, and Theatrical Careers. Theatre I students are required to attend one show per school year for class credit.

Theatre 1A (Debut): Prerequisite of 8th grade theatre production course as well as director recommendation. The Theatre IA course focuses on developing the actor's tools of mind, body, voice, and breath through the production process. Theatre IA students will participate in the International Thespian Society Thespy Competition. Theatre IA students are required to audition for all main stage productions.

Theatre II-IV: Theatre II-IV is a course that provides theatre students with the opportunity to continue their theatrical growth and education without the commitment of a production course. In this course, students will delve deeper into the subjects of Theatre Conventions, Theatre History, Acting Techniques, as well as Theatre careers. Theatre II-IV students are required to attend two shows per year for class credit.

JV Theatre Production (Company): Audition-based production course. JV theatre requires pre-requisite of Theatre I, Theatre II-IV, or Theatre IA course. The JV Theatre Production course is an intermediate production-based course which focuses on sharpening the actor through in-class productions, involvement in the One Act Play Festival Competition, as well as competing in the International Thespian Society Thespy Competition. JV students are required to audition for all shows, participate in the ITS Thespy competition, and attend the State Thespian Festival.

Varsity Theatre Production (Spotlight): Audition-based production course. Varsity Theatre Production is the most intensive level of theatre courses offered at RHS. In the course, students will build upon their theatrical experiences through extensive training. This course is intended to prepare students for collegiate or equivalent theatre. Students in this course will compete in the UIL One Act Play 6A Contest as well as the International Thespian Society Thespy Competition. Students in this course will audition for all shows, assist in audition workshops for developing actors, and attend the State Thespian Festival.

Tech Theatre I: Entry level technical course (no prerequisite). Students in technical theatre courses will learn the aspects and basics of technical theatre which include but are not limited to: set design and construction, lighting design, sound design, prop design and construction, and costume design and construction.

Tech Theatre II-IV (Theatrical Design): Design-based course for students who wish to further develop their technical theatre design skillset. Students will assist in the construction and development of main stage production designs and will participate in UIL Theatrical Design Competition.

PAC Management: Technical Theatre course with an emphasis on management of theatrical facilities. Students in this course will work theatrical events in the RHS Performing Arts Center, maintain and manage the facilities, as well as function as student PAC workers for various events.

Partner Theatre: Theatre course offered to Special Education and General Education students who are interested in employing the conventions of Theatre as a means to improve social awareness, self-expression, relationships, confidence. This class is tailored each year to meet the needs of each unique student and hopes to use inclusion to promote positivity.