
Spotlight is our Varsity Theatre, audition-based, Production Class. Spotlight is the most intensive level of theatre courses offered at RHS. In the course, students will build upon their theatrical experiences through extensive training. This course is intended to prepare students for collegiate or equivalent theatre. Students in this course will compete in the UIL One Act Play 6A Contest, as well as the International Thespian Society Thespy Competition. Students in this course will audition for all shows, assist in audition workshops for developing actors, and attend the State Thespian Festival.

UIL OAP Contest

Spotlight has the amazing opportunity of representing RHS Theatre at the 6A OAP Contest.

This is a rigorous process, where students learn the process of developing an engaging and immersive world through set, lighting, costume, and prop design, while also bringing to life believable and relatable characters. They learn how to tell an incredible story, enthralling to audiences and judges alike, all in less than 40 minutes with many UIL parameters and restrictions.