District - John Horn High School


Alternate Play

All Star Tech - Jillian Fowler - Stage Manager

Honorable Mention All Star Cast - Emma Flanagan - Hester Swane

All Star Cast - Tyler Conklin - Josie Swane

2023 - By the Bog of Cats

2024 - Unexpected Tenderness

District - Tyler Legacy High School


2nd Place Advancing Play

All Star Tech - Amelia Cook - Sound

Honorable Mention All Star Cast - Laci Parsons - Haddie Stern

All Star Cast - Zackary Chandler - Roddy Stern

Best Performer - Robert White - Archie Stern

Bi District - Tyler Legacy High School


Bi District Qualifier

All Star Tech - Ava Diesch - Stage Manager

Honorable Mention All Star Cast - Robert White - Archie Stern Audrey Love - Molly Stern

All Star Cast - Zackary Chandler - Roddy Stern